martes, 30 de abril de 2013

news report

Juan Ignacio Rodriguez.
 wednesday 01/05/2013
Chile, south america

The topic of these articule is the Global Warming. I will hive one of the must important  cause of the Global Warming, a short describe, and how we can stop the Global Warming.

The Global Warming is a  increase in the average temperature worldwide believed to be caused by the greenhouse effect.

The Global Warming have us a lot of problems like extensive drought,that make our planet get thirsty, we need the water to live because our 95% of the human body is about water, the water is important for the survival, don´t you think?. If we dont have water we can´t live. The 1% of the earth water, is fresh water, 97% is salt water, the 2% is ice caps/glaciers, what can we do?.

1 billion people without clean drinking water, 508 million people in 31 countries suffer from water scarcity, 25 million people die every day from drink bad water, 7 million of americans sick from contaminated tap water.

Some people don´t understood that the water is essential to live. I will give you some thing to think, Why we pollute the water what we need to drink? just think about that. Other question  is why we dont keep what we have(water)?. We will be left without water?. We need to have a plan if our planet is getting without water.

We are all in these together, we can change the way we use water, yes the water can be recycle, we recycle paper, bottles, plastic and cardboard. Why we can recycle water? we have just one answer is to expensive. But we can make the change, we need to stop use a lot of water in brushing teeth, in the shower and other things.

The only way that we have to stop the Global Warming is be Green with the world and dont use cars, dont contaminate the water with chemical.

Here is the process of water recycle:

martes, 23 de abril de 2013

brave new world

1. What is the relevance of chapters 1, 2 and 3 for the development of the plot of the novel?
The most important of the chapters 1,2 and 3 is very important to the reader because is a introduction to learn the book: Explains how to they do the humans and the diferent  humans like Alpha, Betta, Gamma, Epsilon, so this chapter is so important because is a introduction of all the book.
2. What kind of text is the information in these three chapters conveyed: description, conversations, narration, other? Give examples.
Is description because in this chapters the information that the book gives is the description of how cientist make this humans and the description of all the types of humans (Alpha, betha, gama .....) . Says what things they like, how they put a electro shock to betas for dislike flowers and books. Is a text of description.
 3. What are 4 important facts we learn about this future world?
An other human can change our intelligence (Alpha the best . Elipson Worst)-If you are a Betta you will dont like books and flowers-Humans change our brain with hypnopaedia-You will not have liberty when you born because all have a wash brain

Then explain how those ideas benefit the lifestyle of people of Brave New World. Support/justify your answers with evidence (quotes) from those chapters.

a) “They’ll be safe from books and botany all their lives”

That phrase is by the director to the groups of students in the nursery, the electro shock to babies deltas to dislike books and flowers . (Second chapter)

b) “But in Epsilons …we don’t need human intelligence”.

This is said by Henry Foster in the first part of the book, and is when he is explaining the different types of humans and he name epsilons and this phrase because there are the worst humans in intelligent.

C) “Family, monogamy, romance.Everywjhere exclusiveness, everywhere a focussing on interest, a narrow channel of impulse and energy”.

This was said in Chapter 3 by the director, because it refers mainly to the interests of

human types there are and their different approaches such as "family, monogamy,
romance" depending on the type of human is Gamma, Beta, Alpha, Delta and Epsion.