martes, 12 de marzo de 2013

science and technology homework

1- What is this video about?
The video is about science and technologys and of the consequences that  the disappearance of the TV in USA.

2- What is the main concern conveyed in this video?
The principal preocupation of this problem is that can reduce jobs, all the progress and threaten U.S. competitiveness.

3- What will happen if the government stops funding science and technology
 Problems to the state, and can be a problem on the world.

4- Do you agree with this video’s point of view? Why/Why not?
Not so much, because in these time´s we depends for the technology.

5- Does your government provide enough money for research and science? Give examples
Yes I think, because in these year we make all with technology. One exmaple is the school, they buy computers and we use the datashows and the computers to learn.

martes, 5 de marzo de 2013

science and technoloy

scinece is knowing, technology is doing.

  • The main basis of science is carrying out research and experiments to test and study factores that make up then basic concepts of life, the earth and the enviroment.
  • Science uses a systematic knowledge base that has been developed through carrying out repeat observations and experiments. In this way, within the scientific world, everything is based on fact and logical thinking.
  • Technology is a process that allows us to develop machines or other items by using knowledge that has come from our understanding of science.
  • By using knowledge  from carrying out scientific processes and experiments those developing a new technological process can put this knowledge into practice by developing a process that makes some aspect of life easier or more convenient for example.